Method: POST Register a new patient in ANZDATA.
Request Information
Name | Description | Additional information |
value |
Patient object |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Request body formats
** Empty XML node(s) or JSON element(s) should be excluded from posted data.
application/json, text/json
{ "PatientDetail": { "Surname": "string 2", "GivenName": "string 3", "DateOfBirth": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "GenderCode": "string 4", "PhysicianCode": 1, "InitialParentCentreCode": "string 7", "InitialParentCentreMRN": "string 8", "InitialCentreCode": "string 9", "InitialCentreMRN": "string 10", "BirthCountryCode": "string 17", "BirthCountryOther": "string 18", "Ethnicity1Code": "string 21", "Ethnicity1Other": "string 22", "Ethnicity2Code": "string 23", "Ethnicity2Other": "string 24", "LateReferralCode": "string 25", "CreatinineAtEntry": 1, "Height": 1.0, "Weight": 1.0, "SmokingCode": "string 26", "PrimaryKidneyDiseaseCode": 1, "BiopsyCode": "string 29", "GeneticTestCode": "string 30", "GeneticTestDiagnosisCode": "string 31", "CausativeGeneCode": "string 32" }, "InitialTreatment": { "TreatmentDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "TreatmentCode": "string 2" }, "FirstHaemodialysis": { "AccessFirstHDCode": "string 1" }, "FirstPeritonealDialysis": { "FirstPDCInsertDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00" }, "FirstTransplant": { "TransplantDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "ReferringCentreCode": "string 1", "TransplantCentreCode": "string 2", "CountryCode": "string 3", "DonorCentreCode": "string 4", "DonorSourceCode": "string 5", "DonorSourceOther": "string 6", "DonorAge": 1, "DonorGenderCode": "string 7", "RecipientAntibodyCMVCode": "string 8", "RecipientAntibodyEBVCode": "string 9", "Ischaemia": 1, "ImmediateFunctionCode": "string 10", "DiseaseInGraftCode": "string 11", "FirstProvenDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00" }, "EntryPostcodeComorbidities": { "Postcode": 1, "ChronicLungCode": "string 3", "CoronaryArteryCode": "string 4", "PeripheralVascularCode": "string 5", "CerebrovascularCode": "string 6", "DiabetesCode": "string 7", "CancerEverCode": "string 9", "OtherComorbidityCodes": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ], "CoMorbidConditionOther": "string 10", "HepatitisCCode": "string 11", "CalciphylaxisEpisodeCode": "string 12", "CalciphylaxisFirstDiagnosisDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "NonRegistryTrialCode": "string 13", "Comments": "string 14", "AtEntry": "string 18" } }
application/xml, text/xml
<Patient xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <PatientDetail> <Surname>string 2</Surname> <GivenName>string 3</GivenName> <DateOfBirth>2024-12-04T00:00:00</DateOfBirth> <GenderCode>string 4</GenderCode> <PhysicianCode>1</PhysicianCode> <InitialParentCentreCode>string 7</InitialParentCentreCode> <InitialParentCentreMRN>string 8</InitialParentCentreMRN> <InitialCentreCode>string 9</InitialCentreCode> <InitialCentreMRN>string 10</InitialCentreMRN> <BirthCountryCode>string 17</BirthCountryCode> <BirthCountryOther>string 18</BirthCountryOther> <Ethnicity1Code>string 21</Ethnicity1Code> <Ethnicity1Other>string 22</Ethnicity1Other> <Ethnicity2Code>string 23</Ethnicity2Code> <Ethnicity2Other>string 24</Ethnicity2Other> <LateReferralCode>string 25</LateReferralCode> <CreatinineAtEntry>1</CreatinineAtEntry> <Height>1</Height> <Weight>1</Weight> <SmokingCode>string 26</SmokingCode> <PrimaryKidneyDiseaseCode>1</PrimaryKidneyDiseaseCode> <BiopsyCode>string 29</BiopsyCode> <GeneticTestCode>string 30</GeneticTestCode> <GeneticTestDiagnosisCode>string 31</GeneticTestDiagnosisCode> <CausativeGeneCode>string 32</CausativeGeneCode> </PatientDetail> <InitialTreatment> <TreatmentDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</TreatmentDate> <TreatmentCode>string 2</TreatmentCode> </InitialTreatment> <FirstHaemodialysis> <AccessFirstHDCode>string 1</AccessFirstHDCode> </FirstHaemodialysis> <FirstPeritonealDialysis> <FirstPDCInsertDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</FirstPDCInsertDate> </FirstPeritonealDialysis> <FirstTransplant> <TransplantDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</TransplantDate> <ReferringCentreCode>string 1</ReferringCentreCode> <TransplantCentreCode>string 2</TransplantCentreCode> <CountryCode>string 3</CountryCode> <DonorCentreCode>string 4</DonorCentreCode> <DonorSourceCode>string 5</DonorSourceCode> <DonorSourceOther>string 6</DonorSourceOther> <DonorAge>1</DonorAge> <DonorGenderCode>string 7</DonorGenderCode> <RecipientAntibodyCMVCode>string 8</RecipientAntibodyCMVCode> <RecipientAntibodyEBVCode>string 9</RecipientAntibodyEBVCode> <Ischaemia>1</Ischaemia> <ImmediateFunctionCode>string 10</ImmediateFunctionCode> <DiseaseInGraftCode>string 11</DiseaseInGraftCode> <FirstProvenDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</FirstProvenDate> </FirstTransplant> <EntryPostcodeComorbidities> <Postcode>1</Postcode> <ChronicLungCode>string 3</ChronicLungCode> <CoronaryArteryCode>string 4</CoronaryArteryCode> <PeripheralVascularCode>string 5</PeripheralVascularCode> <CerebrovascularCode>string 6</CerebrovascularCode> <DiabetesCode>string 7</DiabetesCode> <CancerEverCode>string 9</CancerEverCode> <OtherComorbidityCodes> <OtherComorbidityCode>string 1</OtherComorbidityCode> <OtherComorbidityCode>string 2</OtherComorbidityCode> <OtherComorbidityCode>string 3</OtherComorbidityCode> </OtherComorbidityCodes> <CoMorbidConditionOther>string 10</CoMorbidConditionOther> <HepatitisCCode>string 11</HepatitisCCode> <CalciphylaxisEpisodeCode>string 12</CalciphylaxisEpisodeCode> <CalciphylaxisFirstDiagnosisDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</CalciphylaxisFirstDiagnosisDate> <NonRegistryTrialCode>string 13</NonRegistryTrialCode> <Comments>string 14</Comments> <AtEntry>string 18</AtEntry> </EntryPostcodeComorbidities> </Patient>
Response Information
Response body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Code": 1, "Message": "string 1", "AnzdataPatientId": 1, "SuccessMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ], "WarningMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ], "ErrorMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<ResponseBody xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Code>Success</Code> <Message>string 1</Message> <AnzdataPatientId>1</AnzdataPatientId> <SuccessMessages> <SuccessMessage>string 1</SuccessMessage> <SuccessMessage>string 2</SuccessMessage> <SuccessMessage>string 3</SuccessMessage> </SuccessMessages> <WarningMessages> <WarningMessage>string 1</WarningMessage> <WarningMessage>string 2</WarningMessage> <WarningMessage>string 3</WarningMessage> </WarningMessages> <ErrorMessages> <ErrorMessage>string 1</ErrorMessage> <ErrorMessage>string 2</ErrorMessage> <ErrorMessage>string 3</ErrorMessage> </ErrorMessages> </ResponseBody>
Attribute Details
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
AccessFirstHDCode | Vascular access in use at first haemodialysis | String | 10 | Access Codes | Only specified at First HD treatment. |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
BiopsyCode | Was native kidney biopsied? | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
BirthCountryCode | Country of birth | String | 10 | Country Of Birth Codes | |
BirthCountryOther | Country of birth other | String | 50 | Required if BirthCountryCode of "Specify" is provided. |
CausativeGeneCode | PKD Causative Gene as Diagnosed from test | String | 10 | Causative Gene Codes | Must be provided when GeneticTestDiagnosisCode is Y. |
CreatinineAtEntry | Serum creatinine at entry | Number | Value should be between 150 and 2500 (warning only). Value must be between 0 and 4235. |
DateOfBirth | Date of birth | Date | Required. |
Ethnicity1Code | Ethnicity 1 Code | String | 10 | Racial Ethnic Origin Codes | |
Ethnicity1Other | Ethnicity 1 Other specify | String | 200 | ||
Ethnicity2Code | Ethnicity 2 Code | String | 10 | Racial Ethnic Origin Codes | |
Ethnicity2Other | Ethnicity 2 Other specify | String | 200 | ||
GenderCode | Gender | String | 10 | Gender Codes | Required. |
GeneticTestCode | Genetic Test | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
GeneticTestDiagnosisCode | PKD Diagnosis from Test | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Must be provided when GeneticTestCode is Y. |
GivenName | Patient's given name | String | 50 | Required. |
Height | Height at RRT entry (cm) | Number | Decimal(4, 1) | Value must be between 30 and 250. |
InitialCentreCode | Initial centre/facility | String | 10 | Facility Codes | Required. |
InitialCentreMRN | Initial centre/facility Medical Record Number | String | 10 | Required. |
InitialParentCentreCode | Initial parent centre | String | 10 | Facility Codes | Required. |
InitialParentCentreMRN | Initial parent centre Medical Record Number | String | 10 | Required. |
LateReferralCode | Late referral seen <3 months before 1st treatment | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
PhysicianCode | Surname of caring physician | Number | Physician Codes | ||
PrimaryKidneyDiseaseCode | Primary kidney disease | Number | Primary Kidney Disease Codes | Replaces old PrimaryRenalDiseaseCode. New PrimaryKidneyDiseaseCode is inline with ERA-EDTA Registry PKD Codes. Valid codes are dependant on associated field, refer to 'Valid for' column on Codes page. |
SmokingCode | Smoking status at RRT entry | String | 10 | Smoking Codes | |
Surname | Patient's surname | String | 50 | Required. |
Weight | Weight at RRT entry (kg) | Number | Decimal(4, 1) | Value must be between 1 and 300. |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
FirstPDCInsertDate | First catheter insertion date for acute PD start | Date | Only specified at First PD treatment. |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
CalciphylaxisEpisodeCode | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | ||
CancerEverCode | Cancer ever diagnosed? | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
CerebrovascularCode | Cerebrovascular disease | String | 10 | Yes No Suspected Codes | |
ChronicLungCode | Chronic lung disease | String | 10 | Yes No Suspected Codes | |
Comments | Comments | String | |||
CoMorbidConditionOther | Description of Other Comorbid Condition | String | 250 | Required if OtherComorbidityCodes of "Specify" is provided. |
CoronaryArteryCode | Coronary artery disease | String | 10 | Yes No Suspected Codes | |
DiabetesCode | Diabetes | String | 10 | Anzdata Diabetes Type Codes | |
EpisodeDate | Episode date | Date | Calciphylaxis First Diagnosis Date. |
HepatitisCCode | Hepatitis C Antibody | String | 10 | Recipient Antibody Status Codes | |
NonRegistryTrialCode | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | ||
OtherComorbidityCodes | Comorbid ID | String | 10 | Other Co Morbid Conditions Codes | For File Import: Comma separated 'Other Co Morbid Conditions Code' values surrounded by quotes for example: "A000" or "A000,A42". For API: Array/list of 'Other Co Morbid Conditions Codes'. Valid codes are dependant on associated field, refer to 'Valid for' column on Codes page. |
PeripheralVascularCode | Peripheral vascular disease | String | 10 | Yes No Suspected Codes | |
Postcode | Postcode | Number |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
CountryCode | String | 10 | Country Of Birth Codes | For overseas transplants - provide if known. |
DiseaseInGraftCode | Disease in graft kidney | String | 10 | Disease In Graft Codes | |
DonorAge | Donor age | Number | For overseas transplants - provide if known. |
DonorCentreCode | Donor hospital | String | 10 | Facility Codes | |
DonorGenderCode | Donor sex | String | 10 | Gender Codes | For overseas transplants - provide if known. |
DonorSourceCode | Donor source | String | 10 | Source Of Donor Kidney Codes | Required for pre-emptive transplant. Valid codes are dependant on associated field, refer to 'Valid for' column on Codes page. |
DonorSourceOther | Donor source other | String | 50 | Required if DonorSourceCode of "Specify" is provided. |
FirstProvenDate | Date disease in graft kidney first proven | Date | |||
ImmediateFunctionCode | Immediate function | String | 10 | Immediate Function Codes | |
Ischaemia | Total Ischaemia (to nearest hour) | Number | When Donor Source is Deceased: Value must be between 0 and 40. When Donor Source is Live Donor: Value must be between 0 and 15. |
RecipientAntibodyCMVCode | Recipient CMV antibody status | String | 10 | Recipient Antibody Status Codes | |
RecipientAntibodyEBVCode | Recipient EBV antibody status | String | 10 | Recipient Antibody Status Codes | |
ReferringCentreCode | Referring parent centre before transplantation | String | 10 | Facility Codes | Required for pre-emptive transplant. |
TransplantCentreCode | Transplant parent centre | String | 10 | Facility Codes | Required for pre-emptive transplant. |
TransplantDate | Date of this transplant | Date | Required for pre-emptive transplant. Should be the same date as first TreatmentDate |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
TreatmentCode | Treatment code | String | 10 | Course Of Treatment Codes | Required. Initial Renal Replacement Therapy must be a transplant (G, X), a non-hybrid HD (B, D, F, Y) or a non-hybrid PD (E, M) treatment. |
TreatmentDate | Treatment date | Date | Required. |