Methods: POST, PATCH Update patient dialysis details for a survey period. Survey period will be derived from the value of SurveyDate passed through.
Request Information
Name | Description | Additional information |
id |
The ANZDATA Patient ID / Registry Number |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
value |
Dialysis object |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Request body formats
** Empty XML node(s) or JSON element(s) should be excluded from posted data.
application/json, text/json
{ "SurveyDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "Dialysis": { "DialysisTypeCode": "string 4", "SelfCareCode": "string 5", "DialysisTypeOther": "string 6", "DryWeight": 1, "UncorrectedCalcium": 1.0, "Phosphate": 1.0, "Haemoglobin": 1, "EpoAgentCode": "string 7", "Ferritin": 1, "SaturationIron": 1, "SerumSodium": 1, "Albumin": 1, "NAFlag": false }, "Haemodialysis": { "AccessFirstHDCode": "string 4", "DialyserBrandCode": "string 5", "BloodFlowRate": 1, "HdfVolume": 1.0, "SessionsPerWeek": 1.0, "HoursPerSession": 1.0, "AdequacyMethodCode": "string 6", "AdequacyMethodOther": "string 7", "AdequacyValue": 1.0, "AccessLastHDCode": "string 10", "DialysateSodium": 1, "DialysateCalcium": 1.0, "AchievedUltrafiltrationVolume": 1.0, "NAFlag": false }, "PeritonealDialysis": { "FirstPDCInsertDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "PETTest": 1.0, "ConnectionSystemCode": "string 6", "ConnectionSystemOther": "string 7", "WeeklyExchangeVolume": 1, "GlucoseCode": "string 8", "IcodextrinCode": "string 9", "LowGDPCode": "string 10", "PDOther1": "string 11", "CreatinineClearance": 1.0, "Dialysate": 1.0, "ResidualRenalFunction": 1.0, "ResidualUrineVolume": 1, "NAFlag": false, "PeritonitisEpisodes": 1 } }
application/xml, text/xml
<DialysisDetails xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <SurveyDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</SurveyDate> <Dialysis> <DialysisTypeCode>string 4</DialysisTypeCode> <SelfCareCode>string 5</SelfCareCode> <DialysisTypeOther>string 6</DialysisTypeOther> <DryWeight>1</DryWeight> <UncorrectedCalcium>1</UncorrectedCalcium> <Phosphate>1</Phosphate> <Haemoglobin>1</Haemoglobin> <EpoAgentCode>string 7</EpoAgentCode> <Ferritin>1</Ferritin> <SaturationIron>1</SaturationIron> <SerumSodium>1</SerumSodium> <Albumin>1</Albumin> <NAFlag>false</NAFlag> </Dialysis> <Haemodialysis> <AccessFirstHDCode>string 4</AccessFirstHDCode> <DialyserBrandCode>string 5</DialyserBrandCode> <BloodFlowRate>1</BloodFlowRate> <HdfVolume>1</HdfVolume> <SessionsPerWeek>1</SessionsPerWeek> <HoursPerSession>1</HoursPerSession> <AdequacyMethodCode>string 6</AdequacyMethodCode> <AdequacyMethodOther>string 7</AdequacyMethodOther> <AdequacyValue>1</AdequacyValue> <AccessLastHDCode>string 10</AccessLastHDCode> <DialysateSodium>1</DialysateSodium> <DialysateCalcium>1</DialysateCalcium> <AchievedUltrafiltrationVolume>1</AchievedUltrafiltrationVolume> <NAFlag>false</NAFlag> </Haemodialysis> <PeritonealDialysis> <FirstPDCInsertDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</FirstPDCInsertDate> <PETTest>1</PETTest> <ConnectionSystemCode>string 6</ConnectionSystemCode> <ConnectionSystemOther>string 7</ConnectionSystemOther> <WeeklyExchangeVolume>1</WeeklyExchangeVolume> <GlucoseCode>string 8</GlucoseCode> <IcodextrinCode>string 9</IcodextrinCode> <LowGDPCode>string 10</LowGDPCode> <PDOther1>string 11</PDOther1> <CreatinineClearance>1</CreatinineClearance> <Dialysate>1</Dialysate> <ResidualRenalFunction>1</ResidualRenalFunction> <ResidualUrineVolume>1</ResidualUrineVolume> <NAFlag>false</NAFlag> <PeritonitisEpisodes>1</PeritonitisEpisodes> </PeritonealDialysis> </DialysisDetails>
Response Information
Response body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Code": 1, "Message": "string 1", "SuccessMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ], "WarningMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ], "ErrorMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<ResponseBody xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Code>Success</Code> <Message>string 1</Message> <SuccessMessages> <SuccessMessage>string 1</SuccessMessage> <SuccessMessage>string 2</SuccessMessage> <SuccessMessage>string 3</SuccessMessage> </SuccessMessages> <WarningMessages> <WarningMessage>string 1</WarningMessage> <WarningMessage>string 2</WarningMessage> <WarningMessage>string 3</WarningMessage> </WarningMessages> <ErrorMessages> <ErrorMessage>string 1</ErrorMessage> <ErrorMessage>string 2</ErrorMessage> <ErrorMessage>string 3</ErrorMessage> </ErrorMessages> </ResponseBody>
Attribute Details
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
Albumin | Albumin | Number | Value is entered in g/L. Collected for Facilities/Centres participating in RESOLVE trials only. Value must be between 10 and 50. |
DialysisTypeCode | Dialysis type | String | 10 | Type Of Dialysis Codes | Required. Applicable to the last dialysis treatment the patient was on at the end of the survey period. Valid codes are dependant on associated field, refer to 'Valid for' column on Codes page. |
DialysisTypeOther | Dialysis type other | String | 50 | Required if DialysisTypeCode of "Specify" is provided. |
DryWeight | Dry Weight on last dialysis: End Survey, Transplantation or Death | Number | Value is entered in kg. Value must be between 2 and 250. |
EpoAgentCode | EPO Agent | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
Ferritin | Ferritin within last 3 months of Survey | Number | Value is entered in ug/l. Value must be between 0 and 9000. |
Haemoglobin | Haemoglobin level nearest end Survey (g/l) | Number | Value is entered in g/l. Value must be between 50 and 250. |
NAFlag | 'NA' flag | Boolean | true or false Can only be set to 'true' after initial Dialysis data has been saved. Set to 'true' if missing data is not available. |
Phosphate | Phosphate levels (mmol/l) | Number | Decimal(3, 2) | Value is entered in mmol/l. Value must be between 0.25 and 6. |
SaturationIron | Saturation iron | Number | Value is entered as a percentage. Value must be between 0 and 100. |
SelfCareCode | Self care code | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
SerumSodium | Serum Sodium | Number | Value is entered in mmol/l. Collected for Facilities/Centres participating in RESOLVE trials only. Value must be between 125 and 150. |
UncorrectedCalcium | Uncorrected calcium levels (mmol/l) | Number | Decimal(3, 2) | Value is entered in mmol/l. Value must be between 0.25 and 6. |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
AccessFirstHDCode | Vascular access in use at first haemodialysis | String | 10 | Access Codes | Only specified at First HD treatment. |
AccessLastHDCode | Vascular access in use at last haemodialysis | String | 10 | Access Codes | |
AchievedUltrafiltrationVolume | Achieved Ultrafiltration Volume | Number | Decimal(18, 1) | Value is entered in L. Collected for Facilities/Centres participating in RESOLVE trials only. Value must be between 0 and 6. |
AdequacyMethodCode | Adequacy method (urea reduction or Kt/V) | String | 10 | Urea Or Ktv Method Codes | |
AdequacyMethodOther | Adequacy method other | String | 50 | Required if AdequacyMethodCode of "Specify" is provided. |
AdequacyValue | Adequacy value (Urea reduction ratio % or Kt/V value on HD) | Number | Decimal(4, 2) | Where Adequacy Method is 'A': Value must be between 1 and 101. Where Adequacy Method is not 'A': Value must be between 0.2 and 5. |
BloodFlowRate | Blood flow rate (mls/min) | Number | Value is entered in mls/min. Value must be between 0 and 500. |
DialysateCalcium | Dialysate Calcium | Number | Decimal(3, 2) | Value is entered in mmol/l. Collected for Facilities/Centres participating in RESOLVE trials only. Value must be between 1 and 2. |
DialysateSodium | Dialysate Sodium | Number | Value is entered in mmol/l. Collected for Facilities/Centres participating in RESOLVE trials only. Value must be between 130 and 142. |
DialyserBrandCode | Dialyser brand, model, membrane, surface area | String | 10 | Dialyser Brand Codes | |
HdfVolume | HDF Substitution Volume | Number | Decimal(18, 1) | Value is entered in L. Required if DialysisTypeCode is in (161, 162, 163). Value should be between 10 and 85 (warning only). Value must be between 5 and 95. |
HoursPerSession | Hours per session | Number | Decimal(4, 2) | The decimal part of Hours per Session can only be .0, .25, .5 or .75. Value must be between 0.01 and 24. |
NAFlag | 'NA' flag | Boolean | true or false Can only be set to 'true' after initial HD data has been saved. Set to 'true' if missing data is not available. |
SessionsPerWeek | Frequency of dialysis per week | Number | Decimal(3, 2) | Required. If Course of Treatment Code is BQ, DQ or FQ, then Sessions per Week must be > 3 or Hours per Session must be >= 5.5. If Course of Treatment Code is BC, DC or FC, then Sessions per Week must be <= 3 and Hours per Session must be < 5.5 Value must be between 0.25 and 7. |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
ConnectionSystemCode | Type of Peritoneal Connection System | String | 10 | Connection System Codes | Required. Valid codes are dependant on associated field, refer to 'Valid for' column on Codes page. |
ConnectionSystemOther | Type of Peritoneal Connection System Other | String | 50 | Required if ConnectionSystemCode of "Specify" is provided. |
CreatinineClearance | Creatinine Clearance (litres per week) | Number | Decimal(6, 2) | Value is entered in Litres /week /1.73m². Value should be between 10 and 220 (warning only). Value must be between 0 and 250. |
Dialysate | Dialysate Only Weekly KtV value on PD | Number | Decimal(4, 2) | Value is entered Kt/V. Value must be between 0.1 and 9.99. |
FirstPDCInsertDate | First catheter insertion date for acute PD start | Date | Only specified at First PD treatment. |
GlucoseCode | PD Solution Glucose | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
IcodextrinCode | PD Solution Icodextrin | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
LowGDPCode | PD Solution Low GDP (either Lactate or Bicarbonate) | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
NAFlag | 'NA' flag | Boolean | true or false Can only be set to 'true' after initial PD data has been saved. Set to 'true' if missing data is not available. |
PDOther1 | PD Solution Other | String | 50 | ||
PeritonitisEpisodes | Number of episodes peritonitis during survey | Number | The number of Peritonitis Episodes (excluding PD infections) for the survey period. Value must be between 0 and 15. |
PETTest | PET test for PD-within first 6 months starting? | Number | Decimal(3, 2) | PET Test once only in 6 mths in PD. Value is entered Dx/Plasma Creatinine at 4hrs. Value should be between 0.1 and 1.65 (warning only). Value must be between 0.1 and 2.5. |
ResidualRenalFunction | Residual renal function (creatinine clearance - GFR) | Number | Decimal(5, 2) | Value is entered in Litres/week/1.73m². Value should be between 0 and 400 (warning only). Value must be between 0 and 499.9. |
ResidualUrineVolume | Residual urine volume | Number | Value is entered in ml. Value should be between 0 and 4000 (warning only). Value must be between 0 and 5000. |
WeeklyExchangeVolume | Total volume weekly exchanges - All PD | Number | Value is entered in Litres/week. Value must be between 2 and 250. |