
Method: PATCH

Update ANZDATA patient details.

NOTE: Patient details are only updatable when they are new in the open surveys, otherwise only the 'PhysicianCode' field can be updated.

Request Information




Name Description Additional information


The ANZDATA Patient ID / Registry Number

Define this parameter in the request URI.


AnzdataPatientDto object

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

** Empty XML node(s) or JSON element(s) should be excluded from posted data.

application/json, text/json

  "SurveyDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00",
  "PatientDetail": {
    "Surname": "string 1",
    "GivenName": "string 2",
    "DateOfBirth": "2024-12-04T00:00:00",
    "GenderCode": "string 3",
    "PhysicianCode": 1,
    "BirthCountryCode": "string 4",
    "BirthCountryOther": "string 5",
    "Ethnicity1Code": "string 6",
    "Ethnicity1Other": "string 7",
    "Ethnicity2Code": "string 8",
    "Ethnicity2Other": "string 9",
    "LateReferralCode": "string 10",
    "CreatinineAtEntry": 1,
    "Height": 1.0,
    "Weight": 1.0,
    "SmokingCode": "string 11",
    "PrimaryKidneyDiseaseCode": 1,
    "BiopsyCode": "string 14",
    "GeneticTestCode": "string 15",
    "GeneticTestDiagnosisCode": "string 16",
    "CausativeGeneCode": "string 17"
  "PostcodeComorbidity": {
    "Postcode": 1,
    "ChronicLungCode": "string 3",
    "CoronaryArteryCode": "string 4",
    "PeripheralVascularCode": "string 5",
    "CerebrovascularCode": "string 6",
    "DiabetesCode": "string 7",
    "CancerEverCode": "string 9",
    "OtherComorbidityCodes": [
      "string 1",
      "string 2",
      "string 3"
    "CoMorbidConditionOther": "string 10",
    "HepatitisCCode": "string 11",
    "CalciphylaxisEpisodeCode": "string 12",
    "CalciphylaxisFirstDiagnosisDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00",
    "NonRegistryTrialCode": "string 13",
    "Comments": "string 14",
    "AtEntry": "string 18"

application/xml, text/xml

<Patient xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <Surname>string 1</Surname>
    <GivenName>string 2</GivenName>
    <GenderCode>string 3</GenderCode>
    <BirthCountryCode>string 4</BirthCountryCode>
    <BirthCountryOther>string 5</BirthCountryOther>
    <Ethnicity1Code>string 6</Ethnicity1Code>
    <Ethnicity1Other>string 7</Ethnicity1Other>
    <Ethnicity2Code>string 8</Ethnicity2Code>
    <Ethnicity2Other>string 9</Ethnicity2Other>
    <LateReferralCode>string 10</LateReferralCode>
    <SmokingCode>string 11</SmokingCode>
    <BiopsyCode>string 14</BiopsyCode>
    <GeneticTestCode>string 15</GeneticTestCode>
    <GeneticTestDiagnosisCode>string 16</GeneticTestDiagnosisCode>
    <CausativeGeneCode>string 17</CausativeGeneCode>
    <ChronicLungCode>string 3</ChronicLungCode>
    <CoronaryArteryCode>string 4</CoronaryArteryCode>
    <PeripheralVascularCode>string 5</PeripheralVascularCode>
    <CerebrovascularCode>string 6</CerebrovascularCode>
    <DiabetesCode>string 7</DiabetesCode>
    <CancerEverCode>string 9</CancerEverCode>
      <OtherComorbidityCode>string 1</OtherComorbidityCode>
      <OtherComorbidityCode>string 2</OtherComorbidityCode>
      <OtherComorbidityCode>string 3</OtherComorbidityCode>
    <CoMorbidConditionOther>string 10</CoMorbidConditionOther>
    <HepatitisCCode>string 11</HepatitisCCode>
    <CalciphylaxisEpisodeCode>string 12</CalciphylaxisEpisodeCode>
    <NonRegistryTrialCode>string 13</NonRegistryTrialCode>
    <Comments>string 14</Comments>
    <AtEntry>string 18</AtEntry>

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

  "Code": 1,
  "Message": "string 1",
  "SuccessMessages": [
    "string 1",
    "string 2",
    "string 3"
  "WarningMessages": [
    "string 1",
    "string 2",
    "string 3"
  "ErrorMessages": [
    "string 1",
    "string 2",
    "string 3"

application/xml, text/xml

<ResponseBody xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <Message>string 1</Message>
    <SuccessMessage>string 1</SuccessMessage>
    <SuccessMessage>string 2</SuccessMessage>
    <SuccessMessage>string 3</SuccessMessage>
    <WarningMessage>string 1</WarningMessage>
    <WarningMessage>string 2</WarningMessage>
    <WarningMessage>string 3</WarningMessage>
    <ErrorMessage>string 1</ErrorMessage>
    <ErrorMessage>string 2</ErrorMessage>
    <ErrorMessage>string 3</ErrorMessage>

Attribute Details


Attribute Variable Label Type Length
(Precision, Scale)
Code Comments
BiopsyCode Was native kidney biopsied? String 10 Yes No Codes
BirthCountryCode Country of birth String 10 Country Of Birth Codes
BirthCountryOther Country of birth other String 50
Required if BirthCountryCode of "Specify" is provided.
CausativeGeneCode PKD Causative Gene as Diagnosed from test String 10 Causative Gene Codes
Must be provided when GeneticTestDiagnosisCode is Y.
CreatinineAtEntry Serum creatinine at entry Number
Value should be between 150 and 2500 (warning only).
Value must be between 0 and 4235.
DateOfBirth Date of birth Date
Ethnicity1Code Ethnicity 1 Code String 10 Racial Ethnic Origin Codes
Ethnicity1Other Ethnicity 1 Other specify String 200
Ethnicity2Code Ethnicity 2 Code String 10 Racial Ethnic Origin Codes
Ethnicity2Other Ethnicity 2 Other specify String 200
GenderCode Gender String 10 Gender Codes
GeneticTestCode Genetic Test String 10 Yes No Codes
GeneticTestDiagnosisCode PKD Diagnosis from Test String 10 Yes No Unknown Codes
Must be provided when GeneticTestCode is Y.
GivenName Patient's given name String 50
Height Height at RRT entry (cm) Number Decimal(4, 1)
Value must be between 30 and 250.
LateReferralCode Late referral seen <3 months before 1st treatment String 10 Yes No Codes
PhysicianCode Surname of caring physician Number Physician Codes
PrimaryKidneyDiseaseCode Primary kidney disease Number Primary Kidney Disease Codes
Replaces old PrimaryRenalDiseaseCode.
New PrimaryKidneyDiseaseCode is inline with ERA-EDTA Registry PKD Codes.
Valid codes are dependant on associated field, refer to 'Valid for' column on Codes page.
SmokingCode Smoking status at RRT entry String 10 Smoking Codes
Surname Patient's surname String 50
Weight Weight at RRT entry (kg) Number Decimal(4, 1)
Value must be between 1 and 300.


Attribute Variable Label Type Length
(Precision, Scale)
Code Comments
AtEntry Comorbidities at entry? String 1
Comorbidity at Entry. Set to Y or N.
Defaults to N if not provided.
CalciphylaxisEpisodeCode String 10 Yes No Codes
CancerEverCode Cancer ever diagnosed? String 10 Yes No Codes
CerebrovascularCode Cerebrovascular disease String 10 Yes No Suspected Codes
ChronicLungCode Chronic lung disease String 10 Yes No Suspected Codes
Comments Comments String
CoMorbidConditionOther Description of Other Comorbid Condition String 250
Required if OtherComorbidityCodes of "Specify" is provided.
CoronaryArteryCode Coronary artery disease String 10 Yes No Suspected Codes
DiabetesCode Diabetes String 10 Anzdata Diabetes Type Codes
EpisodeDate Episode date Date
Calciphylaxis First Diagnosis Date.
HepatitisCCode Hepatitis C Antibody String 10 Recipient Antibody Status Codes
NonRegistryTrialCode String 10 Yes No Codes
OtherComorbidityCodes Comorbid ID String 10 Other Co Morbid Conditions Codes
For File Import: Comma separated 'Other Co Morbid Conditions Code' values surrounded by quotes for example: "A000" or "A000,A42".
For API: Array/list of 'Other Co Morbid Conditions Codes'.
Valid codes are dependant on associated field, refer to 'Valid for' column on Codes page.
PeripheralVascularCode Peripheral vascular disease String 10 Yes No Suspected Codes
Postcode Postcode Number