Method: PATCH Maintain Parenthood Outcome for a Patient To update an existing Parenthood Outcome record, PatientId and OutcomeDate must match an existing Parenthood Outcome record in ANZDATA.
Request Information
Name | Description | Additional information |
id |
The ANZDATA Patient ID / Registry Number |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
value |
Parenthood object |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Request body formats
** Empty XML node(s) or JSON element(s) should be excluded from posted data.
application/json, text/json
{ "OutcomeDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "PregnancyOutcomeCode": "string 4", "GestationalAge": 1.0, "ConceptionDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "ConceptionCode": "string 5", "BirthWeight": 1.0, "CongenitalConditionCode": "string 6", "FoetalGenderCode": "string 7", "NeonatalSurvivalCode": "string 8", "CreatininePriorConception": 1, "CreatinineAtDelivery": 1, "CreatininePostDelivery": 1, "DiabetesCode": "string 9", "ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode": "string 10", "ConceptionCYACode": "string 11", "ConceptionAZACode": "string 12", "ConceptionPredCode": "string 13", "ConceptionTacCode": "string 14", "ConceptionMMFCode": "string 15", "ConceptionSirolCode": "string 16", "ConceptionOtherCode": "string 17", "LabourCode": "string 18", "DeliveryCode": "string 19", "ProteinuriaCode": "string 20", "ProteinuriaValue": 1.0, "HypertensionCode": "string 21", "PreEclampsiaCode": "string 22", "EclampsiaGestationalAge": 1.0, "EclampsiaCode": "string 23", "HELLPCode": "string 24", "CreatinineTrimester1": 1, "CreatinineTrimester2": 1, "CreatinineTrimester3": 1, "RejectionCode": "string 25", "DrugAspirinCode": "string 26", "DrugEPOCode": "string 27", "DrugHeparinCode": "string 28", "DrugIronCode": "string 29", "DrugInsulinCode": "string 30", "DrugMetforminCode": "string 31", "DrugHypertensiveCode": "string 32", "PregnancyDialysisCode": "string 33", "ModalityChangeDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "VascularAccessCode": "string 34", "MaxHoursTri1": 1, "MaxHoursTri2": 1, "MaxHoursTri3": 1, "MaxSessionsTri1": 1, "MaxSessionsTri2": 1, "MaxSessionsTri3": 1, "WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri1": 1, "WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri2": 1, "WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri3": 1, "Comments": "string 35", "ParenthoodComplications": [ { "ComplicationsInPregnancyCode": "string 3", "ComplicationsInPregnancyOther": "string 4" }, { "ComplicationsInPregnancyCode": "string 3", "ComplicationsInPregnancyOther": "string 4" }, { "ComplicationsInPregnancyCode": "string 3", "ComplicationsInPregnancyOther": "string 4" } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<Parenthood xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <OutcomeDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</OutcomeDate> <PregnancyOutcomeCode>string 4</PregnancyOutcomeCode> <GestationalAge>1</GestationalAge> <ConceptionDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</ConceptionDate> <ConceptionCode>string 5</ConceptionCode> <BirthWeight>1</BirthWeight> <CongenitalConditionCode>string 6</CongenitalConditionCode> <FoetalGenderCode>string 7</FoetalGenderCode> <NeonatalSurvivalCode>string 8</NeonatalSurvivalCode> <CreatininePriorConception>1</CreatininePriorConception> <CreatinineAtDelivery>1</CreatinineAtDelivery> <CreatininePostDelivery>1</CreatininePostDelivery> <DiabetesCode>string 9</DiabetesCode> <ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode>string 10</ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode> <ConceptionCYACode>string 11</ConceptionCYACode> <ConceptionAZACode>string 12</ConceptionAZACode> <ConceptionPredCode>string 13</ConceptionPredCode> <ConceptionTacCode>string 14</ConceptionTacCode> <ConceptionMMFCode>string 15</ConceptionMMFCode> <ConceptionSirolCode>string 16</ConceptionSirolCode> <ConceptionOtherCode>string 17</ConceptionOtherCode> <LabourCode>string 18</LabourCode> <DeliveryCode>string 19</DeliveryCode> <ProteinuriaCode>string 20</ProteinuriaCode> <ProteinuriaValue>1</ProteinuriaValue> <HypertensionCode>string 21</HypertensionCode> <PreEclampsiaCode>string 22</PreEclampsiaCode> <EclampsiaGestationalAge>1</EclampsiaGestationalAge> <EclampsiaCode>string 23</EclampsiaCode> <HELLPCode>string 24</HELLPCode> <CreatinineTrimester1>1</CreatinineTrimester1> <CreatinineTrimester2>1</CreatinineTrimester2> <CreatinineTrimester3>1</CreatinineTrimester3> <RejectionCode>string 25</RejectionCode> <DrugAspirinCode>string 26</DrugAspirinCode> <DrugEPOCode>string 27</DrugEPOCode> <DrugHeparinCode>string 28</DrugHeparinCode> <DrugIronCode>string 29</DrugIronCode> <DrugInsulinCode>string 30</DrugInsulinCode> <DrugMetforminCode>string 31</DrugMetforminCode> <DrugHypertensiveCode>string 32</DrugHypertensiveCode> <PregnancyDialysisCode>string 33</PregnancyDialysisCode> <ModalityChangeDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</ModalityChangeDate> <VascularAccessCode>string 34</VascularAccessCode> <MaxHoursTri1>1</MaxHoursTri1> <MaxHoursTri2>1</MaxHoursTri2> <MaxHoursTri3>1</MaxHoursTri3> <MaxSessionsTri1>1</MaxSessionsTri1> <MaxSessionsTri2>1</MaxSessionsTri2> <MaxSessionsTri3>1</MaxSessionsTri3> <WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri1>1</WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri1> <WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri2>1</WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri2> <WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri3>1</WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri3> <Comments>string 35</Comments> <ParenthoodComplications> <ParenthoodComplication> <ComplicationsInPregnancyCode>string 3</ComplicationsInPregnancyCode> <ComplicationsInPregnancyOther>string 4</ComplicationsInPregnancyOther> </ParenthoodComplication> <ParenthoodComplication> <ComplicationsInPregnancyCode>string 3</ComplicationsInPregnancyCode> <ComplicationsInPregnancyOther>string 4</ComplicationsInPregnancyOther> </ParenthoodComplication> <ParenthoodComplication> <ComplicationsInPregnancyCode>string 3</ComplicationsInPregnancyCode> <ComplicationsInPregnancyOther>string 4</ComplicationsInPregnancyOther> </ParenthoodComplication> </ParenthoodComplications> </Parenthood>
Response Information
Response body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Code": 1, "Message": "string 1", "SuccessMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ], "WarningMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ], "ErrorMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<ResponseBody xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Code>Success</Code> <Message>string 1</Message> <SuccessMessages> <SuccessMessage>string 1</SuccessMessage> <SuccessMessage>string 2</SuccessMessage> <SuccessMessage>string 3</SuccessMessage> </SuccessMessages> <WarningMessages> <WarningMessage>string 1</WarningMessage> <WarningMessage>string 2</WarningMessage> <WarningMessage>string 3</WarningMessage> </WarningMessages> <ErrorMessages> <ErrorMessage>string 1</ErrorMessage> <ErrorMessage>string 2</ErrorMessage> <ErrorMessage>string 3</ErrorMessage> </ErrorMessages> </ResponseBody>
Attribute Details
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
BirthWeight | Weight at birth (grams) | Number | Decimal(5, 1) | Value is entered in grams. Value must be between 100 and 6000. |
Comments | Any comments | String | |||
ConceptionAZACode | Conception AZA Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Required if ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode provided is 'Y'. |
ConceptionCode | Conception Code | String | 10 | Conception Codes | If ConceptionCode is 'O', specify in comments. |
ConceptionCYACode | Conception CYA Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Required if ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode provided is 'Y'. |
ConceptionDate | Estimated date of conception | Date | If accurately known. |
ConceptionMMFCode | Conception MMF Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Required if ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode provided is 'Y'. |
ConceptionOtherCode | Conception Other Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Required if ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode provided is 'Y'. Specify in comments. |
ConceptionPredCode | Conception Pred Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Required if ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode provided is 'Y'. |
ConceptionSirolCode | Conception Sirol Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Required if ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode provided is 'Y'. |
ConceptionTacCode | Conception Tac Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Required if ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode provided is 'Y'. |
CongenitalConditionCode | Congenital Condition Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | |
CreatinineAtDelivery | Creatinine At Delivery | Number | Closest available creatinine at delivery. Value is entered in (µmol/L). |
CreatininePostDelivery | Creatinine 3 months' post delivery | Number | Closest available creatinine 3 months post delivery. Value is entered in (µmol/L). |
CreatininePriorConception | Creatinine prior to conception | Number | Closest available creatinine prior to conception. Value is entered in (µmol/L). |
CreatinineTrimester1 | Creatinine Trimester1 | Number | Female patients only. Closest available creatinine at the end of trimester 1. Value is entered in (µmol/L). |
CreatinineTrimester2 | Creatinine Trimester2 | Number | Female patients only. Closest available creatinine at the end of trimester 2. Value is entered in (µmol/L). |
CreatinineTrimester3 | Creatinine Trimester3 | Number | Female patients only. Closest available creatinine at the end of trimester 3. Value is entered in (µmol/L). |
DeliveryCode | Delivery Code | String | 10 | Delivery Codes | Female patients only.. |
DiabetesCode | Diabetes Code | String | 10 | Diabetes Codes | Female patients only. |
DrugAspirinCode | Drug Aspirin Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
DrugEPOCode | Drug EPO Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
DrugHeparinCode | Drug Heparin Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
DrugHypertensiveCode | Drug Hypertensive Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
DrugInsulinCode | Drug Insulin Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
DrugIronCode | Drug Iron Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
DrugMetforminCode | Drug Metformin Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
EclampsiaCode | Eclampsia Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
EclampsiaGestationalAge | Eclampsia Gestational Age | Number | Decimal(5, 1) | Female patients only. Gestational Age at onset of pre-eclampsia. Value is entered in weeks. |
FoetalGenderCode | Foetal Gender Code | String | 10 | Gender Codes | |
GestationalAge | Gestational Age | Number | Decimal(5, 1) | Best clinical estimate in weeks. Value should be between 4 and 42 (warning only). |
HELLPCode | HELLP Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
HypertensionCode | Hypertension Code | String | 10 | Hypertension Codes | Female patients only. |
ImmunosuppressionAtConceptionCode | Immunosuppression At Conception Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | |
LabourCode | Labour Code | String | 10 | Labour Codes | Female patients only. |
MaxHoursTri1 | Max Hours Tri1 | Number | Female patients only. HD Maximum hours per session in trimester 1. |
MaxHoursTri2 | Max Hours Tri2 | Number | Female patients only. HD Maximum hours per session in trimester 2. |
MaxHoursTri3 | Max Hours Tri3 | Number | Female patients only. HD Maximum hours per session in trimester 3. |
MaxSessionsTri1 | Max Sessions Tri1 | Number | Female patients only. HD Maximum sessions per week in trimester 1. |
MaxSessionsTri2 | Max Sessions Tri2 | Number | Female patients only. HD Maximum sessions per week in trimester 2. |
MaxSessionsTri3 | Max Sessions Tri3 | Number | Female patients only. HD Maximum sessions per week in trimester 3. |
ModalityChangeDate | Modality Change Date | Date | Female patients only. |
NeonatalSurvivalCode | Neonatal survival | String | 10 | Neonatal Survival Codes | Please provide when pregnancy outcome is 'L - Live Delivery'. |
OutcomeDate | Date of birth or termination | Date | |||
PreEclampsiaCode | Pre Eclampsia Code | String | 10 | Yes No Unknown Codes | Female patients only. |
PregnancyDialysisCode | Pregnancy Dialysis Code | String | 10 | Pregnancy Dialysis Codes | Female patients only. If multiple dialysis types during pregnancy, specify in comments. |
PregnancyOutcomeCode | Pregnancy outcome | String | 10 | Pregnancy Outcome Codes | Required. For 'I - In Progress' parenthood outcome, please provide expected delivery date in 'Comments'. |
ProteinuriaCode | Proteinuria Code | String | 10 | Proteinuria Codes | Female patients only. |
ProteinuriaValue | Proteinuria Value | Number | Decimal(6, 2) | Female patients only. Required if ProteinuriaCode provided is 'A' or 'P'. |
RejectionCode | Rejection Code | String | 10 | Female patients only. If RejectionCode is 'Y', please complete Acute Rejection form. |
VascularAccessCode | Vascular Access code | String | 10 | Access Codes | Female patients only. |
WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri1 | Weekly Exchange Volume Tri1 | Number | Female patients only. PD Maximum total volume of weekly exchanges in trimester 1. Value is entered in litres. |
WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri2 | Weekly Exchange Volume Tri2 | Number | Female patients only. PD Maximum total volume of weekly exchanges in trimester 2. Value is entered in litres. |
WeeklyExchangeVolumeTri3 | Weekly Exchange Volume Tri3 | Number | Female patients only. PD Maximum total volume of weekly exchanges in trimester 3. Value is entered in litres. |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
ComplicationsInPregnancyCode | Complications in pregnancy code | String | 10 | Complications In Pregnancy Codes | Female patients only. |
ComplicationsInPregnancyOther | Other specify | String | 50 | Female patients only. Required if ComplicationsInPregnancyCode of "Specify" is provided. |