
Method: PATCH

Maintain Paediatric Survey Assessment for a Patient

Survey period will be derived from the value of SurveyDate passed through.

Request Information




Name Description Additional information


The ANZDATA Patient ID / Registry Number

Define this parameter in the request URI.


Paediatric Survey Assessment object

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

** Empty XML node(s) or JSON element(s) should be excluded from posted data.

application/json, text/json

  "SurveyDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00",
  "AtEntry": "string 1",
  "AssessmentDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00",
  "Height": 1.0,
  "Weight": 1.0,
  "AssessmentCode": "string 2",
  "AttendanceLimitedByDialysisCode": "string 3",
  "AttendanceLimitedByRenalHealthCode": "string 4",
  "SupervisedEducationSupportCode": "string 5",
  "AdditionalEducationSupportCode": "string 6"

application/xml, text/xml

<PaediatricSurvey xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <AtEntry>string 1</AtEntry>
  <AssessmentCode>string 2</AssessmentCode>
  <AttendanceLimitedByDialysisCode>string 3</AttendanceLimitedByDialysisCode>
  <AttendanceLimitedByRenalHealthCode>string 4</AttendanceLimitedByRenalHealthCode>
  <SupervisedEducationSupportCode>string 5</SupervisedEducationSupportCode>
  <AdditionalEducationSupportCode>string 6</AdditionalEducationSupportCode>

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

  "Code": 1,
  "Message": "string 1",
  "SuccessMessages": [
    "string 1",
    "string 2",
    "string 3"
  "WarningMessages": [
    "string 1",
    "string 2",
    "string 3"
  "ErrorMessages": [
    "string 1",
    "string 2",
    "string 3"

application/xml, text/xml

<ResponseBody xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <Message>string 1</Message>
    <SuccessMessage>string 1</SuccessMessage>
    <SuccessMessage>string 2</SuccessMessage>
    <SuccessMessage>string 3</SuccessMessage>
    <WarningMessage>string 1</WarningMessage>
    <WarningMessage>string 2</WarningMessage>
    <WarningMessage>string 3</WarningMessage>
    <ErrorMessage>string 1</ErrorMessage>
    <ErrorMessage>string 2</ErrorMessage>
    <ErrorMessage>string 3</ErrorMessage>

Attribute Details


Attribute Variable Label Type Length
(Precision, Scale)
Code Comments
AdditionalEducationSupportCode Additional Education Support Code String 10 Yes No Codes
AssessmentCode Paediatric Assessment at end of each Survey String 10 Paediatric Assessment Codes
AssessmentDate Date of paediatric assessment Date
AtEntry At entry String 1
Paediatric Assessment at Entry. Set to Y or N.
Defaults to 'N' when not provided.
AttendanceLimitedByDialysisCode Attendance Limited By Dialysis Code String 10 Yes No Codes
AttendanceLimitedByRenalHealthCode Attendance Limited ByRenal Health Code String 10 Yes No Codes
Height Height Number Decimal(4, 1)
At Entry value must be provided via Patient Details screen/API/File Import.
Value must be between 1 and 220.
SupervisedEducationSupportCode Supervised Education SupportCode String 10 Yes No Codes
SurveyDate Survey Period Id Date
Weight Weight Number Decimal(4, 1)
At Entry value must be provided via Patient Details screen/API/File Import.
Value must be between 1 and 300.