Method: PATCH Maintain Paediatric Survey Assessment for a Patient Survey period will be derived from the value of SurveyDate passed through.
Request Information
Name | Description | Additional information |
id |
The ANZDATA Patient ID / Registry Number |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
value |
Paediatric Survey Assessment object |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Request body formats
** Empty XML node(s) or JSON element(s) should be excluded from posted data.
application/json, text/json
{ "SurveyDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "AtEntry": "string 1", "AssessmentDate": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "Height": 1.0, "Weight": 1.0, "AssessmentCode": "string 2", "AttendanceLimitedByDialysisCode": "string 3", "AttendanceLimitedByRenalHealthCode": "string 4", "SupervisedEducationSupportCode": "string 5", "AdditionalEducationSupportCode": "string 6" }
application/xml, text/xml
<PaediatricSurvey xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <SurveyDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</SurveyDate> <AtEntry>string 1</AtEntry> <AssessmentDate>2024-12-04T00:00:00</AssessmentDate> <Height>1</Height> <Weight>1</Weight> <AssessmentCode>string 2</AssessmentCode> <AttendanceLimitedByDialysisCode>string 3</AttendanceLimitedByDialysisCode> <AttendanceLimitedByRenalHealthCode>string 4</AttendanceLimitedByRenalHealthCode> <SupervisedEducationSupportCode>string 5</SupervisedEducationSupportCode> <AdditionalEducationSupportCode>string 6</AdditionalEducationSupportCode> </PaediatricSurvey>
Response Information
Response body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Code": 1, "Message": "string 1", "SuccessMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ], "WarningMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ], "ErrorMessages": [ "string 1", "string 2", "string 3" ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<ResponseBody xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Code>Success</Code> <Message>string 1</Message> <SuccessMessages> <SuccessMessage>string 1</SuccessMessage> <SuccessMessage>string 2</SuccessMessage> <SuccessMessage>string 3</SuccessMessage> </SuccessMessages> <WarningMessages> <WarningMessage>string 1</WarningMessage> <WarningMessage>string 2</WarningMessage> <WarningMessage>string 3</WarningMessage> </WarningMessages> <ErrorMessages> <ErrorMessage>string 1</ErrorMessage> <ErrorMessage>string 2</ErrorMessage> <ErrorMessage>string 3</ErrorMessage> </ErrorMessages> </ResponseBody>
Attribute Details
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
AdditionalEducationSupportCode | Additional Education Support Code | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
AssessmentCode | Paediatric Assessment at end of each Survey | String | 10 | Paediatric Assessment Codes | |
AssessmentDate | Date of paediatric assessment | Date | Required. |
AtEntry | At entry | String | 1 | Paediatric Assessment at Entry. Set to Y or N. Defaults to 'N' when not provided. |
AttendanceLimitedByDialysisCode | Attendance Limited By Dialysis Code | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
AttendanceLimitedByRenalHealthCode | Attendance Limited ByRenal Health Code | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
Height | Height | Number | Decimal(4, 1) | At Entry value must be provided via Patient Details screen/API/File Import. Value must be between 1 and 220. |
SupervisedEducationSupportCode | Supervised Education SupportCode | String | 10 | Yes No Codes | |
SurveyDate | Survey Period Id | Date | Required. |
Weight | Weight | Number | Decimal(4, 1) | At Entry value must be provided via Patient Details screen/API/File Import. Value must be between 1 and 300. |