Method: GET Search for an existing ANZDATA patient. At least one of the following search parameters must be provided: GivenName, Surname, DateOfBirth, ParentRenalUnitCode, PreviousParentRenalUnitCode, TreatmentModality.
Request Information
Name | Description | Additional information |
value |
Patient Search Parameter object |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Request body formats
** Empty XML node(s) or JSON element(s) should be excluded from posted data.
application/json, text/json
{ "GivenName": "string 1", "Surname": "string 2", "DateOfBirth": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "GenderCode": "string 3", "MRN": "string 4", "ParentRenalUnitCode": "string 5", "PreviousParentRenalUnitCode": "string 6", "TreatmentModality": "string 7", "StatusCode": "string 8" }
application/xml, text/xml
<Search xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <GivenName>string 1</GivenName> <Surname>string 2</Surname> <DateOfBirth>2024-12-04T00:00:00</DateOfBirth> <GenderCode>string 3</GenderCode> <MRN>string 4</MRN> <ParentRenalUnitCode>string 5</ParentRenalUnitCode> <PreviousParentRenalUnitCode>string 6</PreviousParentRenalUnitCode> <TreatmentModality>string 7</TreatmentModality> <StatusCode>string 8</StatusCode> </Search>
Response Information
Response body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Patients": [ { "PatientId": 1, "GivenName": "string 1", "Surname": "string 2", "DateOfBirth": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "GenderCode": "string 3", "CurrentParentRenalUnitCode": "string 4", "CurrentTreatmentCode": "string 5" }, { "PatientId": 1, "GivenName": "string 1", "Surname": "string 2", "DateOfBirth": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "GenderCode": "string 3", "CurrentParentRenalUnitCode": "string 4", "CurrentTreatmentCode": "string 5" }, { "PatientId": 1, "GivenName": "string 1", "Surname": "string 2", "DateOfBirth": "2024-12-04T00:00:00", "GenderCode": "string 3", "CurrentParentRenalUnitCode": "string 4", "CurrentTreatmentCode": "string 5" } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<PatientSearchResults xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Patients> <Patient> <PatientId>1</PatientId> <GivenName>string 1</GivenName> <Surname>string 2</Surname> <DateOfBirth>2024-12-04T00:00:00</DateOfBirth> <GenderCode>string 3</GenderCode> <CurrentParentRenalUnitCode>string 4</CurrentParentRenalUnitCode> <CurrentTreatmentCode>string 5</CurrentTreatmentCode> </Patient> <Patient> <PatientId>1</PatientId> <GivenName>string 1</GivenName> <Surname>string 2</Surname> <DateOfBirth>2024-12-04T00:00:00</DateOfBirth> <GenderCode>string 3</GenderCode> <CurrentParentRenalUnitCode>string 4</CurrentParentRenalUnitCode> <CurrentTreatmentCode>string 5</CurrentTreatmentCode> </Patient> <Patient> <PatientId>1</PatientId> <GivenName>string 1</GivenName> <Surname>string 2</Surname> <DateOfBirth>2024-12-04T00:00:00</DateOfBirth> <GenderCode>string 3</GenderCode> <CurrentParentRenalUnitCode>string 4</CurrentParentRenalUnitCode> <CurrentTreatmentCode>string 5</CurrentTreatmentCode> </Patient> </Patients> </PatientSearchResults>
Attribute Details
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
DateOfBirth | Date of birth | Date | Required. |
GenderCode | Gender | String | 10 | Gender Codes | Required. |
GivenName | Patient's given name | String | 50 | Required. |
StatusCode | Patient is 'Alive' during the current survey | String | 10 | Anzdata Patient Status Codes | Alive during this survey? |
Surname | Patient's surname | String | 50 | Required. |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
ParentCentreCode | Parent centre of transfer | String | 10 | Facility Codes | Required. |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
DonorSourceCode | Donor source | String | 10 | Source Of Donor Kidney Codes | Required for pre-emptive transplant. Valid codes are dependant on associated field, refer to 'Valid for' column on Codes page. |
Attribute | Variable Label | Type | Length (Precision, Scale) |
Code | Comments |
TreatmentCode | Treatment code | String | 10 | Course Of Treatment Codes | Required. Initial Renal Replacement Therapy must be a transplant (G, X), a non-hybrid HD (B, D, F, Y) or a non-hybrid PD (E, M) treatment. |
TreatmentModality | Treatment code | String | 10 | Course Of Treatment Codes | 'Other' value. |